

Berbagi Semangat, Menyebarkan Inspirasi..

Journey Notes Consultant For Change (C4C) Part1

Anyway this is a little report about training that I have been choosen from NAMA Foundation. Yes, NAMA Foundation is a organization who have activity to empoweering others, educate peoples which coming from many sector. Back again to what iam writing right now, just highlighted to you, this is only my way to documentation i ever got, so if I need someday, i just access my blog.

notice : May you found any text un normally wkwk, un structured, and absurd also.. 🙂


long time ago, if i not mistaken, in march 2018, we have information about this agenda, there are seven or eight line, to recruit any peoples form seven country. in short story, we ve just submit our curriculum vitae to english, and then every transportation and acomodation will be covered by NAMA Foundation.

After 2 month, i forgot about this event, but suddenly i got e-mail from foreigner, inform to me that i have to prepare passport and journey to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. btw form Indonesia just have choosen 8 participant. Waduh, this is important event i think.

First day.

This is my new experience can meet many peoples form any countries, any background activity and knowledge. btw this is very good moment to meet them who have any incredible experience, some of them are graduated from Ph.D program in their country.


i got about “the infinite loop of change” from Mr. Houssari Mouhammad (our speaker, thanks a lot for many experience and knowledge you ve share to us 🙂 ), he said there are four change step process are :

1. Awareness

See also  Journey Notes Consultant For Change (C4C) Part2

Awareness is a situation that as a leader have to know about the condition. May we not face it face to face, but the problem has really happen in our organization. So, how we know if there is a problem in our organization.

This is first step that we split it into two part, form internal we can do research, what exactly happen in our organization through HR Departement, Management etc based on our target yearly or monthly.

from external we can know from our customer needs, what is customer need right now, this is still same with 5 month ago, or change it.

2. Will

We must make sure that we have “will” for change. Related with step before, our evidences that we faced in level awareness, supposed to be can be reason to making will to our organization.

In operational level, “will” can be some agreement from management until departement to change in where areas to priority to change.

3. Plan

Next step after will get the areas that have priorities to change is making a good plan. We know from good quotes, “making a good plan, is half of successful, but if not have a plan, equal with making planing to failed”.

Making good plan, can be start from, “where is the new target or destination?”

4. Change

So, after we have a plan, so lets executed it. Not really to long, because can be our plan can’t exist if the problem really leave from our organization.

Oya, don’t forget that this is a loop that mean there are 4 step always have not finish line yet, so after you execute the change, you should start from first step (awareness).  Because the change is a life time. So who can not change, will be ready for falling down.

See also  Menjadi Pemateri Consultant For Change di Binawan University


Taking picture with Tanzanian participant and Indonesian


Sharing session


With Yamani